Abstract | Zlato je jedan od prvih metala koje je čovjek počeo obrađivati. Zbog svoje uočljive sjajne žute boje vrlo je rano pronađeno u prirodi. U današnjem svijetu od cjelokupnog iskopanog zlata oko 85% se obrađuje u nakit, 12% se troši u industrijskoj primjeni (elektronika, medicina, optika), a preostalih 3% zlata završi pohranjeno u trezorima banaka.
Zlato je od davnina simbol blagostanja, ogledalo slave, časti, bogatstva i moći. Sredstvo je čuvanja vrijednosti preko 2000 godina. Prednosti ulaganja u investicijsko zlato su sigurnost i stabilnost ulaganja. Ovo će ulaganje dovesti do specifičnog povećanja zarađene vrijednosti te je gotovo u potpunosti sigurno. Ulaganje u investicijsko zlato nije način za brzo bogaćenje, već prvenstveno čuvanje vrijednosti uz mogućnost zarade na duže staze.
Zlata u svijetu ima relativno malo, a da bi se do njega došlo potrebne su goleme količine ljudskog rada. Zlato se ne može umjetno napraviti ili odštampati poput novca, ne može ga se krivotvoriti poput raznih vrijednosnih papira, a ako se neki drugi metal pokuša podmetnuti kao zlato, postupak provjere te otkrivanja prijevare je brz, jednostavan i jeftin.
Nije nužno za opstanak ljudi; zapravo od njega ima razmjerno malo praktičnih koristi. No njegove vrline, neuobičajena gustoća i kovnost te njegov neuništiv sjaj, učinili su ga jednom od najtraženijih roba na svijetu. |
Abstract (english) | Gold is one of the first metal that man began to cultivate. With its conspicuous shiny yellow color, it was very early found in the nature. In today's world all the gold dig, about 85%, processing jewelry, and about 12% is consumed in industrial applications (electronics, medicine, optics), and the remaining 3% gold finishes stored in bank vaults.
Gold has long been a symbol of prosperity, glory, honor, wealth and power.
Gold is a means of keeping the value of more than 2000 years. The benefits of investing in gold investment security and stability of investments. This investment will lead to a specific increase in earned value, but is completely preserved. Investing in gold investment is not the way to get rich quick. Investing in gold investment is primarily keeping with the values of earnings potential in the long run. Amounts of Gold in the world are relatively low, but reaching it requires huge amounts of human labor. Gold can not be artificially made by any technology, it can not be illegally printed like money, it can not be counterfeited as security, and if someone attempts to frame metal instead of gold, the verification process and detection of fraud is fast, easy and inexpensive. Gold is not necessary for the survival of the people. Actually it has only few practical benefits. But his virtues, unusual density, malleability and his indestructible shine, made it one of the most wanted commodities in the world. |