Abstract | Mišićno-koštani poremećaji, uključujući miofascijalni bolni sindrom, predstavljaju velik dio slučajeva kronične boli diljem svijeta zbog čega je razvoj novih terapeutskih pristupa za upravljanje ovom vrstom boli od izuzetne važnosti. Dry needling, invazivna tehnika unutar fizioterapije, namijenjena je liječenju neuromuskuloskeletnih poremećaja, a posebno je usmjerena na miofascijalne trigger točke koje mogu biti izvor boli. Tehnika se primjenjuje na način da se akupunkturna igla ubada u miofascijalnu trigger točku što rezultira njezinom deaktivacijom i smanjenjem boli. Postoji nekoliko različitih tehnika dry needlinga, a temeljna podjela uključuje površinski i dubinski dry needling. Terapija dry needlingom uključuje edukaciju i pristanak pacijenta, pripremu terapeuta i pacijenta, pozicioniranje, palpaciju trigger točaka, samu primjenu tehnike te njegu i smjernice nakon terapije. Za sigurno provođenje dry needlinga terapeut mora imati izvrsno poznavanje anatomije kako bi se minimizirao rizik od ozljeda okolnih struktura.
Cilj je ovoga rada bio detaljno istražiti primjenu i ishod terapije dry needling u liječenju različitih mišićno-koštanih poremećaja te razumjeti mehanizme koji stoje iza ove tehnike. Analizom istraživačkih radova, stručnih mišljenja i ostale dostupne literature, rad nastoji pružiti sveobuhvatan pregled ove terapeutske tehnike koja, unatoč izvjesnom potencijalu i niskom riziku, i dalje izaziva rasprave o učinkovitosti i sigurnosti unutar fizioterapije. |
Abstract (english) | Musculoskeletal conditions, including myofascial pain syndrome, represent a significant portion of chronic pain cases worldwide, making the development of new therapeutic approaches to manage this type of pain exceptionally important. Dry needling, an invasive technique within physiotherapy, is aimed at treating neuromusculoskeletal disorders, specifically targeting myofascial trigger points that can be sources of pain. The technique is applied by inserting an acupuncture needle into a myofascial trigger point, resulting in its deactivation and pain reduction. There are several different dry needling techniques, with the primary division being between superficial and deep dry needling. Dry needling therapy involves patient education and consent, preparation of both therapist and patient, positioning, palpation of trigger points, the actual application of the technique, and post-treatment care and guidelines. To ensure the safe administration of dry needling, the therapist must have excellent anatomical knowledge to minimize the risk of injury to surrounding structures.
The aim of this paper was to thoroughly investigate the application and outcomes of dry needling therapy in the treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions, as well as to understand the mechanisms underlying this technique. By analyzing research studies, expert opinions, and other available literature, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this therapeutic technique which, despite its potential and low risk, continues to provoke debates about its efficacy and safety within physiotherapy. |