Abstract | Republika Hrvatska svoju granu turizma razvija od samih početaka postojanja, naime postoje određene faze prema kojima se turizam razvijao. Iako od početka nije imao veliku i važnu ulogu u državi kao što to ima danas u 21. stoljeću, zbog svojih prirodnih ljepota i raznolikosti, kako reljefa tako i klima te kulture, on je napredovao sve više, dok nije došao na razinu važnosti koju trenutno ima. Hrvatska nudi veliki broj turističkih ponuda te konstantno razvija nove vrste i podvrste svoje grane. Od najpoznatijeg morskog turizma, preko povijesnog i kulturnog, wellnes i gastronomskog pa sve do ekoturizma i seoskog turizma koji danas sve više dobivaju na važnosti. Također ima znatan utjecaj na BDP države, te iznosi oko 20%, pri čemu je njegov udio u 2019. godini u bruto društvenom proizvodu iznosio 19,5%. Stoga, razvojem ostalih grana, poput tehnološke i informatičke grane, napreduje i turizam koristeći njihove proizvode/usluge kako bi se konstantno unaprjeđivao i poboljšavao s ciljem da privuče što više domaćih, ali i stranih turista. Hrvatska je iznimno zanimljiva turistička destinacija koju posjećuju državljani Europe, ali i Azije te Amerike u većem dijelu. S obzirom na nastalu situaciju u prosincu 2019. godine kada se pojavila bolest COVID-19 prvenstveno u pokrajini Wuhan u Kini, a zatim se proširila i diljem svijeta, Republika Hrvatska ju nije mogla izbjeći što je imalo negativan utjecaj na jednu od najvažnijih grana gospodarstva, turizam. Naime, pojavom pandemije bolesti brojne su države uvele stroga ograničenja kretanja ljudi, kako izvan svojih država u kojima imaju prebivalište, tako i unutar njih. Početkom 2020. godine Hrvatska uvodi strogu karantenu kako bi što bolje suzbila širenje bolesti, a iako je to davalo dobre rezultate, već početkom godine prognoze za turističku sezonu su bile iznimno loše. Približavanjem sezone mjere su se popuštale, ali ne u svim državama jednako te su izdane brojne preporuke epidemiologa da državljani ne idu izvan zemalja, ali unatoč tome dobar dio stranih turista je ipak posjetio Jadran čija sezona ima najveći udio u turizmu. Iznajmljivači i turistički djelatnici su mijenjali svoj marketing kako bi se njihovi posjetioci osjećali što sigurnije prilikom boravka u Hrvatskoj. Na temelju toga izrađena je anketa u kojoj su se skupljali podatci i stavovi ispitanika o utjecaju pandemije bolesti COVID-19 na turizam Republike Hrvatske u 2020. godini. Prema prikupljenim informacijama izrađene su analize u ovome radu prema kojima su ispitanici odgovorili kako bi se turistička sezona 2020. godine trebala promijeniti u svrhu očuvanja zdravlja. Naime, većina njih se slaže s činjenicama da se ne bi trebalo skupljati na većim mjestima na kojima se ne može držati distanca ili da bi se cijene trebale prilagoditi domaćem stanovništvu s obzirom da je njihov udio bio veći od stranih državljana tijekom sezone. S obzirom na činjenicu da ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u anketi IV pripadaju mlađoj generaciji te se njihovi stavovi i stavovi starijih ispitanika razlikuju, zaključeno je da se svi slažu u tome da treba očuvati zdravlje svih, ali i da bi turistička sezona trebala biti prilagođena novim uvjetima te bi svakako trebali ići u manje poznata turistička mjesta gdje nema velikog broja ljudi. |
Abstract (english) | The Republic of Croatia has been developing its branch of tourism since the very beginning of its existence, namely there are certain phases according to which tourism has developed. Although from the beginning it did not have a large and important role in the state as it has today in the 21st century, due to its natural beauty and diversity of both relief and climate of that culture it progressed more and more until it reached the level of importance it currently has. Croatia offers a large number of tourist offers, and is constantly developing new types and subspecies of its branch. From the most famous sea tourism, through historical and cultural, wellness and gastronomic to ecotourism and rural tourism, which are gaining in importance today. It also has a significant impact on the country's GDP, amounting to about 20%, with its share in 2019 in gross domestic product amounting to 19.5%. Therefore, with the development of other branches, such as technology and information industry, tourism is also advancing using their products / services in order to constantly improve and improve in order to attract as many domestic and foreign tourists. Croatia is an extremely interesting tourist destination visited by citizens of Europe, but also Asia and America for the most part. Given the situation in December 2019, when the disease COVID-19 appeared primarily in the province of Wuhan in China, and then spread around the world, the Republic of Croatia could not avoid it, which had a negative impact on one of the most important sectors of the economy, tourism. Namely, with the outbreak of the disease pandemic, many countries have introduced strict restrictions on the movement of people, both outside their countries of residence and within them. At the beginning of 2020, Croatia is introducing strict quarantine in order to better control the spread of the disease, and although this gave good results, the forecasts for the tourist season were extremely bad at the beginning of the year. As the season approached, measures were relaxed, but not equally in all countries, and numerous epidemiologists recommended that citizens not go abroad, but despite this, a good part of foreign tourists still visited the Adriatic, whose season has the largest share in tourism. Renters and tourism workers have changed their marketing to make their visitors feel as safe as possible during their stay in Croatia. Based on that, a survey was made in which data and attitudes of respondents on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in the Republic of Croatia in 2020 were collected. According to the collected information, analyses were made in this paper according to which the respondents answered that the tourist season in 2020 should change in order to preserve health. Namely, most of them agree with the fact that they should not gather in larger places where no distance can be kept, or that prices should be adjusted to the domestic population given that their share was higher VI than foreign nationals during the season. The fact that the respondents who participated in the survey belong to the younger generation, and their views and the views of older respondents differ, it was concluded that everyone agrees that everyone's health should be preserved, but also that the tourist season should be adapted to new conditions. you should go to lesser known tourist places where there are not a large number of people. |